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Submission Guidelines

Ethical Considerations and Competing Interests

The JRLT is committed to upholding the highest level of integrity in published content. Authors are required to disclose any funding, financial support, and/or competing interests that are related to work submitted for publication, whether such interests are direct or indirect. 


Funding information, if applicable, should be stated clearly in the manuscript. Authors should include the name and details of the funding agency and the grant number (if applicable). If the work submitted for publication has not received any funding, the following statement should be included:

The author(s) did not receive funding from any organization for this study.


Authors are not charged any fees for the publication of articles. Our aim is to facilitate the dissemination of valuable research and contribute to the advancement of scholarly communication without imposing financial burdens on authors. 

Competing Interests

Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the work submitted for publication. If no conflicts of interest exist, authors should include the following statement:

The author(s) have no competing interests to declare. 

Misconduct and Plagiarism

If allegations of misconduct are submitted, the JRLT will conduct the necessary investigation to verify such allegations and ensure the integrity of the research. In addition, if misconduct is proven, authors are obliged to provide retractions and corrections of any errors or mistakes.

The plagiarism software may be used by JRLT to screen submissions. In case plagiarism is detected, the JRLT will take the necessary measures regarding the concerned manuscript.

Ethical Considerations

As part of our commitment to upholding the highest standards in research publication, we place significant emphasis on ethical considerations in the studies we publish. As such, we kindly request that you provide detailed information regarding the ethical considerations observed throughout the course of your study and data collection.
Please include information on the following aspects:
Informed Consent: Outline the procedures you followed to obtain informed consent from participants, ensuring that they were fully aware of the study's purpose, potential risks, and benefits.
Confidentiality: Describe the measures taken to protect the confidentiality of participants' information, including any anonymization or pseudonymization procedures employed.
Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may have arisen during the course of the study, involving yourself, co-authors, or any affiliated institutions.
Compliance with Guidelines and Regulations: Confirm adherence to relevant ethical guidelines and regulations, including those set forth by ethical review boards or institutional review board, as well as any ethical approvals granted by relevant ethics committees.
Citing Predatory Journals: Authors  are expected to exercise due diligence in selecting reputable sources for citation and referencing. Citing articles from journals listed as predatory may compromise the scholarly integrity and reliability of the research.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Content

We discourage the utilization of AI applications for composing sections of your manuscript; however, we acknowledge that it may serve certain purposes. Users employing AI, including ChatGPT, to produce text are required to adhere to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics, which state, “Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.” The author is fully responsible for the accuracy of any information provided by the tool and for correctly referencing any supporting work on which that information depends. Tools that are used to improve spelling, grammar, and general editing are not included in the scope of these guidelines. It is important to note that AI does not yield consistent output each time, and as a result, replicability may be a challenge for certain applications. To ensure transparency, if AI is utilized, it is recommended to save and date all outputs, specifying the program (and version) used.

Author Contributions

Authors must have significantly contributed to the work being submitted to the JRLT. In case of multiple authors, the contributions made by each author should be detailed.

Copyrighting & Licensing

All content published in The Journal of Research in Language and Translation ISSN 1658-9246, is open access (OA) under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This license allows authors and readers to distribute, remix, tweak, build on, and use the published work commercially, provided the original work is cited. Authors are allowed to archive versions of their work in any repository of their choice, including the author's own website. This ensures that all articles are freely available to readers worldwide, enabling the broadest possible dissemination and reuse. Once published, all contents are openly accessible without the need to pay any article or subscription fees.

Peer Review Process

  1. All manuscripts submitted to the JRLT must be original works that have not been published in other publishing venues, nor are currently being considered for publication or review elsewhere. 
  2. The JRLT adopts double-blind peer review procedures by at least two independent reviewers whose research expertise and experience align with the topic of the manuscript. The duration of the review process at the JRLT typically takes an average of 3 to 4 months. However, since the review process is subject to the availability of interested and willing reviewers whose areas of expertise are relevant, this duration may increase or decrease. 
  3. The review process involves the following stages:
  • Initial Screening: Upon initial submission, manuscripts undergo initial screening by a member of the editorial team. Editorial screening checks the overall quality of the manuscript, language, length, and scope. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening stage proceed to the review stage. Manuscripts that do not pass the initial screening stage are rejected.
  • Review: Upon passing the initial screening, reviewers are invited to review the manuscript. Manuscripts are evaluated based on their scientific merit, originality, and clarity.
  • Decision: Upon receiving the reviews, an editorial decision is issued and passed on to the author(s). Manuscripts may be accepted, accepted with modifications, or rejected. Authors are provided with the comments and suggestions of the reviewers in all cases. 
  • Resubmission: Authors who are invited to resubmit a revised version of their manuscript after addressing the issues raised by reviewers should address these issues sufficiently and provide rebuttals for any unaddressed issues. A deadline will be set for the resubmission of revised manuscripts. Authors are encouraged to adhere to the deadline. Authors who fail to adhere to the deadline for resubmission may be required to resubmit their manuscript as a new submission.

Guidelines for Authors 

Authors are required to submit their manuscript and a cover page using the following templates:

  1.  manuscript template  (download)

  2. cover page template (download)

Authors  must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Language: 
    1. The language of publication in the JRLT is English. Submissions written in languages other than English will be rejected. Submissions should be written in proper English. Both British and American usage and spelling conventions are acceptable, but consistency should be maintained throughout the manuscript. 
    2. Prior to submission, authors should proofread and edit their manuscripts. Submissions that are not properly proofread and edited will be rejected.
  • Manuscript length: 
    1. Research articles: 6,000 – 8,000 words, including appendices, tables, figures, footnotes, acknowledgements, and references.
    2. Book reviews: 1,000 - 2,000 words, including the footnotes and references, if any.
    3. Note: Authors who would like to submit manuscripts that do not adhere to the word limit may contact the editor to explain why an exception is needed.
  • Formatting: All submissions to the JRLT should strictly adhere to the formatting guidelines of the American Psychological Association's (APA) Publication Manual (7th ed.). Submissions that fail to adhere to these guidelines will be rejected.
  • Copyrighted material: Authors are responsible for securing the necessary permissions form copyright holders for any material used in their manuscript.
  • Article structure: Research articles submitted to the JRLT should include the following elements:
    1. Title: The title should clearly indicate the subject and scope of the study. Do not use abbreviations.
    2. Abstract: The Abstract should be a well-developed paragraph of about 250 words, including a brief introduction to the topic followed by its significance, methodology, results, and a conclusion. 
    3. Keywords: Include 3–4 keywords. Keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order.
    4. Introduction: This section should be clear and focused, presenting an overview of the major issue(s) under investigation and background information related to the topic of the research and its significance.
    5. Literature review: This section should validate clearly and objectively that a considerable amount of relevant literature on the research topic has been insightfully and critically surveyed. 
    6. Methodology: This section should explain and justify the study's methodology by presenting the research design as well as the procedures for data collection and analysis, including the sampling procedures, internal/external validity, and the ethical considerations that were observed. 
    7. Results/Findings: This section should report on the results of data analysis and include any figures, charts, tables, maps, and other non-textual elements that help present the findings. 
    8. Discussion: This section should discuss the results presented in the Results/Findings section and relate these results to relevant literature, elucidating how the study moves beyond previous research and underscoring the importance of the work and its contribution. 
    9. Conclusion: This section should present a summary of the study and its main findings, including the implications of the study and any suggestions for further research. 
    10. Acknowledgment: The authors should clearly state the names of any funding institutions or agencies as well as any other parties they wish to acknowledge.
    11. References: The authors should list the details of all the references cited in-text formatted and organized according to the guidelines of the 7th edition of the APA manual. 
    12. Appendices: The authors may include any subsidiary or supplementary material in the appendices, such as data-collection instruments or participant responses.
    13. Tables and figures: Tables and figures should be numbered and referred to in-text. All tables and figures must include a title/caption, and they should be placed in their appropriate location in the manuscript, and not at the end of the manuscript or in a separate file. 
  • Book reviews: Authors who wish to submit book reviews to be considered for publication in the JRLT should observe the following:
    1. Book reviews should adhere to the same guidelines for research articles with the exception of the guidelines related to "Article structure" outlined above.
    2. Book reviews should be of books that were published during the last five years.
    3. Book reviews should be of books that fall within the scope of the JRLT
    4. Book reviews should include a summary of the book highlighting its main themes. In addition, the review should include a critical assessment of the book and its contribution to the field. 
    5. Book reviews submitted to the JRLT will be reviewed before a decision regarding publication is rendered.



Last updated on : March 16, 2025 12:32pm