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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Special Issue


Call for Papers: Special Issue on AI and Translation Quality 

Deadline Extended!

31 August, 2024

Journal of Research in Language & Translation (JRLT)

Special Issue Publication: December 2024


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We are pleased to announce a special issue of the Journal of Research in Language & Translation (JRLT) which focuses on the exciting and rapidly evolving field of Translation Quality and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As advancements in AI continue to shape various domains, it is imperative to explore their impact on translation quality assessment, enhancement, and the translation process.

This special issue aims to bring together cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and valuable insights related to the intersection of AI and translation quality. We invite original contributions that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:


- Automated translation quality assessment tools and frameworks

- Neural machine translation and its impact on translation quality

- Human-AI collaboration in translation quality assurance

- Ethical considerations in AI-driven translation quality

- Evaluation metrics for assessing translation quality in AI-based systems

- Cross-lingual transfer learning for improving translation quality

- Quality control in AI-mediated translation workflows

- Case studies and empirical research on the impact of AI on translation quality

- Challenges and opportunities in integrating AI into translation quality assessment


Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit original research, reviews, conceptual/theoretical papers or case studies related to the theme of Translation Quality and AI. Submissions should follow the guidelines provided on the JRLT website (Guidelines). All manuscripts will undergo rigorous peer-review to ensure the highest quality of published articles.

Submission Link:

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Important Dates:

- Submission Deadline: 15 March 2024 31   31 August, 2024

- Notification of Acceptance: 31 October 2024

- Expected Publication: December 2024


For any inquiries or further information, please contact the JRLT editorial team at


We look forward to receiving your contributions and sharing valuable insights on the fascinating realm of Translation Quality and AI.



Prof. Hind M. Alotaibi

Journal of Research in Language & Translation (JRLT)




تاريخ آخر تحديث : مايو 19, 2024 7:02م